We're here to help you make theatre.

A.R.T./New York provides vital services and benefits to a community of 500+ member organizations and individuals. All programs and services are free of charge or subsidized for A.R.T./New York members.

Ready to join? Before you apply, learn more about A.R.T./New York by reviewing our valueshistory, the benefits of membership, and the information below about our our membership categories

Once application and payment are received, memberships are typically processed within 1-2 weeks. 

For more information, contact membership@art-newyork.org.

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Membership Categories

A.R.T./New York offers two types of membership: Organization Membership and Individual Membership.

Organization membership is right for any group of people working and creating theatre together. If you are a part of a member organization, you will receive full benefits of membership.

Individual membership is right for any solo person who is otherwise not a part of a member organization. This may include designers, producers, dramaturgs, freelance arts administrators, any many, many more roles. 

We ask that members self-affirm that they have ties to the New York theatre community in some capacity. 

A.R.T./New York Membership dues are “pay-what-you-can.”

The below scale represents our suggested levels. Dues help support A.R.T./New York in providing our services, programming, and maintaining our spaces.  A.R.T./New York is committed to making membership as accessible as possible; please contact us if the minimum suggested dues pose a barrier to entry. If you are able to pay more than your suggested dues level, please consider doing so as this helps us offset the cost of membership to those that need it. Learn all about the benefits of A.R.T./New York membership.


Suggested Dues:

Companies with budgets >$5m - $1500
Companies with budgets >$3.5m - $1000
Companies with budgets between $750k-$3.5m  - $500
Companies with budgets between $250k-$750k - $200
Companies with budgets under <$250k - $150
Minimum for organizations- $50
Minimum for individuals - $25




Applications will not be processed until your dues have been received.


Eligibility Requirements for All Theatrical Membership Categories (Excluding Professional Affiliates):

  • Must have 501(c)3 status, fiscal sponsorship, or be nonprofit in spirit. 
  • Must not charge artists (including playwrights, actors, designers, and directors) to participate in the organizations' theatrical productions. Members may charge fees only for classes and training programs that are dissociated from theatre productions.


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